Monday, July 23, 2012

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

This is the yummiest and frothiest smoothie I've ever made.  I always make smoothies with an assortment of fruit, but tonight I decided to try something a little different.  I love peanut butter and banana together, so I knew I would like the combo in a smoothie.  I added the sprinkle of cinnamon on top for a little hint of flavor. Delish!

 Cinnamon-Milk-Peanut Butter- Banana- Honey 
& Ice cubes

I didn't measure anything out, but I used 1 banana, 4 ice cubes, a splash of milk, a healthy scoop of pb, and a squeeze of honey.  It will turn out good no matter how much you use.

   First, turn this ^ into this --->
 Blend the ice cubes with milk, and then add in the peanut butter and bananas.
 Blend until smooth and frothy.
 Sprinkle with Cinnamon and enjoy!
This makes a great breakfast, dessert, or bedtime snack; amazing at any hour.


  1. Love the idea of adding a dash of Cinnamon yum!!!

    Xo Emilie at Hungry Delights

  2. thanks! I thought it would look nice and taste nice! :)

  3. This is one of my smoothie staples! Always so very good!

  4. I wonder why it took me so long to try this!! I've been missing out!

  5. Looks delicious - I am big into smoothies and trying out new flavors! One of my favorite recipes is exactly what you have above plus blueberries (or strawberries), spinach (which I never actually taste!), and whey protein. I usually add a lot of cinnamon (I am a big cinnamon person - especially in yogurt and oatmeal). Yummy!


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